Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt in the progression from it to your main product? Before I t...

Evaluation question 7

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt in the progression from it to your main product?

Before I took media studies, I had never had much experience in media. I knew the basics about Mise-en-scene and breaking the fourth wall through my experience in drama, but other than that I didn’t know much about filming. Due to this, my preliminary wasn’t very good. The shots are shaky and the editing was very bad. We went from cutting all audio to having very loud ambient sounds. We also appear to have included a long period of no footage exported in our final film.

However, at the stage I’m at now, I believe I have a reasonably comprehensive knowledge about the filming process and the various techniques involved. Having gained the experience I was lacking in filming its-self I think I improved in it by the Submarine task. However, whilst I could piece together scenes more effectively, I’m still not very proficient in editing. By the time we reached the main task, I had developed my skills most in casting and filming so they were the areas I worked on. Also, due to my background in drama and music, I helped direct the actors and decide on music.

I think what I learnt in the progression from my preliminary task to our film opening definitely had some impact on how the product turned out. Especially because the other members of the group I was in all ‘specialised’ in different areas to me. This meant that we, collectively, were very adept at all the required sectors in making the film opening.