Types of camera shot: Why use a selection of shots and angles? How does this aid story telling? The use of different camera ...

Camera Shots

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Types of camera shot:

Why use a selection of shots and angles? How does this aid story telling?

The use of different camera angles and shots can aid story telling as they can create different moods and atmospheres and the use of certain shot choices can reflect character or imply something relating to the plot.

Examples of three film openings where a specific camera angle/ shot have been used effectively:



Pulp Fiction:


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:


What effects do shorter shot lengths have?

They shorter the shot lengths, the quicker the scene can appear. This can create a sense of confusion, panic or the need for hurry.

What effects do longer shot lengths have?

The longer the shot lengths, the longer the scene can appear. This can create a sense of calm, lethargy or idleness.