The Hunger Games: Clip- My notes- The costume choices made are clearly there to sh...

Film Language Continued, Mise-en-scene Continued, Costume Continued

11:58 0 Comments

The Hunger Games:


My notes-

The costume choices made are clearly there to show the great juxtaposition between the citizens of the district and the capitol. The crowd is split, the men and women on different sides. The women are dressed prettily, in dresses and skirts, and are quite stereotypically ‘girly’. The men are dressed smartly and are (like the women) all dressed similarly. Despite this blatantly formal dress, they are all still dressed practically and simply. Their clothes are faded, pale and plain, and the colours all seem to blend into each other and the background (contrasting with the darkly clothed people at the back of the stage). This completely juxtaposes the dress of Effie, from the capitol, who is dressed in lavish and vibrant clothes. They are completely impractical, with overly high heeled shoes and a dress with a multitude of unnecessary flourishes, suggesting she has a completely different background and lifestyle. Her character clearly spends a lot of time on her appearance, meticulously co-ordinating her hair, jewellery and makeup. However it seems incredibly garish, and, especially in contrast with the clothing of those from the district, she stands out significantly.